It's Blue Monday - how are you feeling?

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Today is so called ‘Blue Monday’ and I’m wondering how you’re feeling.  

Do you know that anger can manifest as feeling low if not expressed?  That that can’t be bothered, I’m tired, feeling that feels like the cork is stuck in the bottle, can be connected with being angry and not letting it out?  

I tend to low mood and when I had a bit of a melt down at the weekend I realised I’ve been tolerating too much lately without letting the feelings out.  There’s a lot to tolerate at the moment and the rats in our roof are just one more thing!

Do you know anger can manifest as feeling low if not expressed.  That can’t be bothered, I’m tired, feeling - like the cork is stuck in the bottle - can come from not letting it out? 

When, on Saturday, I snapped at a random woman whose dog was sniffing Milly (who was cowering), I realised that the rats were the straw that broke the camel’s back and I was angry.  And I’d better let some of that anger out safely.  

I wasn’t taught how.  I grew up with the message that my job was to be nice; in fact my mum used to quote this rhyme at me: 

“What are little girls made of?

Sugar and spice

And all things nice”.

Well.  Hmm to that.  We’re complex human beings with the full range of emotions including anger. 

So - take a moment to check in with yourself, feel your feet on the ground and breathe.  Follow your breath in and out a few times and then ask yourself ‘how am I feeling?’ And be respectful of what you discover.   If you’re angry you might like to try taking action safely:  

  • Throw ice cubes at paving slabs whilst growling loudly

  • Pound a pile of cushions - with or without a tennis racket or baseball bat. 

  • Take some coloured markers - red and black work REALLY well and scribble on newspaper whilst growling loudly. 

  • Whack bushes with your dog’s lead - if you have one - be careful it doesn’t wind round and hit you too.

Good luck! Let me know how you get on…